Sonal Dutt is the food and lifestyle director of PEOPLE, overseeing the food, travel and home editorial team. She launched's first lifestyle-focused vertical and celebrity recipe mobile app in 2013. Previously, she was the executive lifestyle editor at Every Day with Rachael Ray
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The innovative, mix and match technology is universally compatible with every .510 cartridge allowing consumers to blend cannabis, tobacco, and hemp vapor products.
Attributed to the Louis C. Tiffany Company, Associated Artists (1881-1883), three Moorish filigree screens made $90,000.
GENESEO, N.Y. – Cottone’s September 23 fine art and antiques auction, comprising 200 lots, was led by the Howard Booher Sr estate and totaled more than $2.
Below is a list of places that were ordered shut last week by inspectors with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
All the places mentioned were allowed to re-open following an ordered cleanup and re-inspection. Lifepo4 Battery 200ah 12v